White ink on A3 black paper
I love Gardens by the Bay and the Supertrees. I miss the night shows as I haven’t been there in the night for a while. Also it’s been cancelled for while too. So thought I will capture it with white lines on black. Quite an interesting effect.
The Supertrees felt like they were growing and glowing while I was working on them. Isn’t it how life is supposed to be? Once we stop growing we are dying. Growth rate should be faster or at least the same as the dying rate. This is change. What is the result of growth? Fruit.
I was reminded of the fruit of the spirit. In our world that is based on merit, it is easy to neglect that which is unseen. The unseen drives the seen. ❤️
Art print available at https://www.phoonies.com/product/supertrees-art-print/