Sepia ink and pencil on A3 paper
This is a pretty little church inherited from the British garrison. Construction started in 1910 and completed in 1913. It is still not air-conditioned at this present moment. 😅 The church still conducts services now and its garden is very well tended. ❤️
Interestingly, there is no huge stain glass behind the altar that is common to English churches. Story says that the Garrison Chaplain Reverend H. C. Todd hid the 3 pieces of stain glass behind the altar before the Japanese invaded Singapore during WWII. He didn’t survive the war and thus the hidden stain glass were lost too.
I pray Psalm 147:18 “He send out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow” over this church where the authority of God goes forth.
Art print available at https://www.phoonies.com/product/st-georges-church-art-print/