ACS CLOCK TOWER. 1950-1992
Sepia ink and pencil on A3 paper
There is still a Clock Tower at Anglo-Chinese School Barker Road today but the current one was rebuilt in 1999. The current replica has the original clock mechanism of the former clock tower. This sketch is based on a photo of the first clock tower.
In 1972, a revival broke out in this clock tower where many describe it similar to Pentecost in the book of Acts of the Bible. 2022 marks the 50th anniversary. For 2022, I pray for an outpouring of blessings from heaven the same or even more than the blessings in 1972. š„ May Acts 2:2 āAnd suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sittingā be a reality again.
Art print available at https://www.phoonies.com/product/acs-clock-tower-art-print/