Dong Ya 东亚 Building, Potato Head, Singapore. 2020.
The less than 90 degrees corner of this building has always intrigued me. On top of that, Potato Head, a popular restaurant in this added a hipster interest for me. A big plus for choosing to sketch this is that the landscape around consists of Chinatown old shophouses and the iconic public housing flats Pinacle@Duxton at the background.
Perhaps because of the unusual corner of this building, I am reminded of Jesus as the chief cornerstone. “you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” caught my attention. The chief cornerstone has a purpose to be built on. It is for us to be the home for God.
P.S. I don’t know why, my head says 2020 but my hand wrote 2000. The year is incorrect in the sketch. Pinacle@Duxton in the background was not built yet in 2000.