I was at a huge Christian meeting and a well-known Christian speaker was speaking on the gift of Word of Knowledge. When faith is applied to Word of Knowledge, the power gifts are released. At the end of the meeting, they prayed for those with physical sickness and called out various conditions through the Word of Knowledge. Praise The Lord, 245 people were healed tonight!
While those in ministry were calling out the various conditions, I threw a fleece at The Lord for the healing of a person, that someone will receive a Word of Knowledge with very specific description of the physical condition if God wants to grant healing. Nothing close was called. It was one of those moments when I whined to God about no word was given. I was then reminded that a few months back He told me directly what he will do regarding the person with the condition and it was not healing. The Holy Spirit chided me, “Isn’t it better that I speak to you personally than through another person? Why do you want to be called out from a crowd when you already have direct access?”
Immediately I realized how foolish I was. In my previous work, I had access to backstage and celebrities when most people had to queue up and pay just to get an autograph. I can get a photo with them and even sit down for a meal or meals. In fact, I was working with them. There was no need for me to pay or queue. So why do I feel left out when God did not call me from the crowd for an issue that he had already spoke to me directly?
Grass is greener on the inside, in God’s kingdom. I need to appreciate how God treats me as an insider and gives me inside info. So I’d rather be on the inside than the other side. ?
P.S. Don’t get me wrong about not needing or wanting to hear from others. There is a role to play but for matters which God has chosen to speak directly, then I should not be looking elsewhere.